
Facsimile, often called fax, is away of transmitting texts and pictures over telephone lines. News services often use facsimile to send news, stories, and photographs to newspaper and television stations. Banks, law firms and other businesses use facsimile to send copies of document, to clients and other organization.
A device called a facsimile machine is used for transmitting and receiving images. Facsimile machines resemble small photocopiers. However, they are equipped with a telephone or are connected to one. To send a document, the user inserts it into the machine and dials the telephone number of the receiving fax machine. After the connection is made, an electronic scanner on the transmitting machine moves across the page and converts the image a set of electric signals. These signals travel over the telephone line to the receiving fax machine. That machine converts the electric signals back into an image of the original document and then prints a copy.
Some business people use small desktop fax machines or portable models at home or when they travel. A personal computer can also be used to send and receive documents if it is equipped with a special electronic circuit board called a fax board.

1. What is the main information in the second paragraph?
A. A facsimile machine is a small photocopier
B. A facsimile machine is equipped with a telephone to transmit images
C. A facsimile machine transmits and receives images
D. A facsimile machine converts the electric signals back into an image
E. A facsimile machine sends documents to distant places

2. What do you call the device in the facsimile machine that converts the image of the document into a set of electric signals?
A. A copier
B. A converter
C. A telephone
D. An electronic scanner
E. A transmitting machine

3. What do you need to enable your computer to send and receive documents like a fax?
A. A fax board
B. A transmitter
C. A signal converter
D. An electronic circuit
E. An electronic scanner

4. “Facsimile, often called fax, is a way of transmitting texts and pictures over telephone lines.” ( Paragraph 1)
The underlined word may be replaced by …..
A. Sending
B. Changing
C. Processing
D. Translating
E. Connecting

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